Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chick-n mag-nuts!

Treasure hunting this summer at garage sales has been great fun this year. All but the youngest have gotten into it. My oldest found a t-shirt for the youngest one day. "Chick Magnet" is across the front. Well he is the cutest little thing and the tweenie boppers at church adore him. Stop and say "Hi D" everytime they see him. Well Flutter-Nutter loves it. Grins and looks adoreable.
Tonight before Awana S was sent to get clothes for D. D doesn't wear clothes unless we go out. Must be a 2 yr. old thing. We dress him in the morning and sometime later he is naked.

Out came the "Chick Magnet" church. He has no clue. He hasn't learned to read yet or anything, yeah I know I am dropping the ball there. So one of the Awana leaders saw it and laughed and said "Chick Magnet?" Well D having no clue starts walking around saying "Chickn Magnuts". OVer and Over again. People laughing all over themselves. I said something and D says "No, chickn magnuts in the car." He thought everyone was saying Chicken Nuggets!

So Flutter Nutter is cuter than adoreable these days.

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