Saturday, January 31, 2009

Never in my wildest dreams...

did I ever imagine my life like it is today.
I was never one of those girls that dreamed of getting married.
I didn't plan my wedding before I was 13.
If asked, I had no clue how many children I wanted to have.
I could never look into the future and imagine.
Good thing for me, cause God knows what is perfect for me far more than I could ever imagine.
A couple of months ago I had the realization I am not one of the young moms anymore. I found myself watching some of the young moms and remembering what it used to be like. I still have a little one...but it is different the fifth time around. Still precious and wonderful, but there is "experience", busy-ness beyond imagination and many more directions in our life as our children are growing older and discovering who they are and who God has created them to be.

I am marveling at the fact my fourth child will be 5 this week.

My oldest will be 13 in 3 short months.

A couple of years ago during my oldest son's birthday lunch, the kids all started talking about their birthday parties. I got really overwhelmed.

At that point I made a rule. I didn't discuss with anybody. I just made it.

Dear husband's jaw was on the floor. As I explained his jaw slowly returned to its normal position.

I think we had 4 at the time. I may have been prego with number 5. I have no idea. My life has been such a blur.

The rules are:
Birthday parties are for when the child

turns 5...they are old enough to start kindergarten

turns 10...double digits

turns 13....teenager finally!

turns 16....maybe mature enough to start driving.??

Otherwise, All I would be doing for 5-6 months of the year would be planning and organizing parties! Hello, there is laundry to do and dishes. Mom has to sleep sometime. Fortunately for the kids the rules are flexible and there have been unexpected celebrations since then due to unexpected situations.

My other rule:

You can't talk to me about your birthday until 30 days before....
It is sooo not fair for the mom to be in trouble for not remembering what you wanted for your birthday two times before you said you wanted this....and that you want your cake to be your second choice not your sixth choice after all.

This year we will celebrate ages 5, 13, and 10!

So what does my soon to be 5 yr. old want?

He wants me to go to Krispy Kreme and get a donut with sprinkles so he can share it with Dad.

He wants Reeses (cause his brother can't have it)

He wants chocolate cake cause he can have milk now. And because brother can't have it.

Sweet N was content to be the youngest. Shortly after his little bro. came home he asked me to take him back.

He liked being rocked for 2 hours at night. That was gone. He liked being the youngest.

He still takes issue with having a younger brother.

He loves him long as he stays out of his stuff. And doesn't chew on his blankie.

So how are we celebrating? Well, you know the birthday is all about the child right?
Yep, that is how it is. We are going to Pump It Up! Know why? Cause Dad has never been!
Dad loves and supports all of us. Everytime we have been invited to a Pump It Party he has had to work. N will have fun, all the kids will. But the party...this year is for Dad's benefit. Cause, well, we love him and that is the kind of family we are, we make sacrifices for one another ;)

1 comment:

eurekan at heart said...

You are just the greatest mom I know...Josie just turned 4 yesterday, we are having her party next month. I can't believe where I ended up either, but I know this is where you were meant to be.

Love you!