Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Before and After ! !

So dear sweet A had to go in and get her retainers. Take X-rays and take the "after pictures". So this is before...."THE AFTER PICTURE!"

THis is getting the AFTER picture taken. It is great being a parent at moments like these!

Just in case you think I am being absolutely horrible as a mom and a person, A picked out these photos for the blog! I asked her what she thought and then she got all into it and helped pick out the pics. I must say thank you to the Dad. He was the one who took pictures on this day for me. You see when we went in for braces I got to see them do the lip stretcher for the befores. I got the worst case of giggles. A couple of times in between and I missed my chance for pictures and remembered too late I had a camera phone. Ah well, Dad saved the day. I might add this little note, until A and I were talking about this post, she had never seen the pictures before. She was shocked and then she tried to cover up the smile and the giggles that she was suppressing. It is good to have a daughter who doesn't take everything to heart and can laugh with the rest of us.

She finally draws the line and says no more. (But dad did get more pics... she just doesn't want them posted. And like the GOOD mom I am, I am not posting them)

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