Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Coupon Crazed and Geeky

So its 2:00 and I am going to Dillons and suddenly change my mind and invite all the kids to go with me to Target! I know, what was I thinking? Except there, were really good deals to be had, we needed to pick up a birthday gift, Dillons was just around the corner from there, and then I could go hem the jean shorts for my youngest daughter on the way home. Sooo, instead of going to Dillons at 2:00 before Dear hubbie left for the evening, I ventured out on a bunny trail with all my kiddos.

So we arrive at :

And I realize yikes I didn't cut out my Qs cause I was going to visit Target tomorrow and cut Qs tonight. Not only that, but I have put all my scissors away so there aren't any hiding in my coupon box or purse. I have 13 sheets of tiny coupons that still need to be cut! They are set so close together I can't even tear them!

ERRR, but what to my suprise when dear, sweet A announces I have my pocketknife!

And S announces he has his! "and Mom you have yours too!" So the coupon geeky crazed family that we are, with one napping and the other 2 watching, the 3 of us start clipping away with our Swiss army knives! ! So who knew the Boy Scout motto "of always be prepared" could be so easily adapted for the frugal fanatics on a great deals mission!
I doubt my husband will want to be seen with me ever again in a parking lot with my coupons.
On that note I spent $29.46 on grocery items and saved $66.48. So my pride and sense of humor are okay with that savings. In addition, on our way to check out, my oldest discovered her Grandma got the "Christmas" watch at Target. Noone could remember where it was from and it broke in February, so while I checked out and loaded kids and bags in the car, she got her watch fixed..... Best part about the fixing of the watch was it was FREE! ! ! Oh yeah, payday dance!! Now onto Dillons...no big story there except I spent a $106.76 and saved $163.97. Which is more than I have spent at Dillons in a long time. But considering we skipped our major grocery trip this last period and I just shopped deals this pay period, pretty cool in our book. The kids are always hungry and looking for food, so anytime I can score lots of food for little$ $ $ I get so very excited!

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