Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I was kidnapped!

I was kidnapped tonight. My kidnappers weren't very sneaky. They called to warn me. Helped me set up the kids. The kids of course were absolutely thrilled with losing the Mom and Dad all in one night. Dad had guys night out--all you can eat ribs. They ate all they could eat! ! ! So my kidnappers were sure to feed me bread and water at Olive Garden. A little bit more of substance. AND they allowed me a Raspberry Lemonade to add a bit of flavor to the bread and water. They didn't have much of a plan....not even a ransom amount. I think I got in their good graces when I mentioned Marble Slab was offering 98 cent ice cream dishes when the temp reaches 98 degrees or more in a day! ! Well today was 107 degrees. Definitely qualified. The ice cream was wonderful. Best part of the night: enjoying the company of good friends who take you as you are, warts and all. Friends who you can bare all to and they do the same! I think I like being kidnapped!


Hi! I'm Rebecca said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful night! You deserved it. =)

Cav5Mom said...

What fun :)