Saturday, July 18, 2009

Running with Friends = Laugh till Your Cheeks Hurt

I went running again tonight with a couple of friends. I won't mention names.
They know who they are.
I received quite a bit of teasing at our girls night out.
I am not a runner like they can be. Maybe one day. But I lack consistency, have allergy and sometimes breathing issues. Not to mention child issues. Getting a chance to get away from them, that is.
Tonight though was my redemption.
I got the phone call.
They would meet me at such n such corner. I was to leave 2 minutes after hanging up.
I did.
I waited and waited. I was starting to feel weird standing at the corner doing nothing.
So I waited a bit more.
I saw 2 heads bobbing up over a hill. I waved at them..
I started running. Cause I am not the runner they are, they would catch up with me.
They never saw me! Since I was not at the corner they turned to go to my house.
I quickly called Fun Mom to rush out and redirect them..."Tell them, I am on the road and I will see them when they catch me!"
She did.
Guess what?!? They never did catch me. I even had to stop and re-tie my shoes.
I finally started walking towards them.
They finally caught up to me. They were WALKING! ! ! !!
Oh, so they are never going to live this down, ever.
It was hot, but I was running.
The best part is.... When we got back to my house they pleaded with me to give them a ride home in the air conditioning. Oh the beauty of this story. Cause not too long ago, I pleaded for a ride home. They took me on what was suppose to be a mile run which ended up being a 2.6 mile run. The last 1/2 mile just did not have to be done, there was a house with a couple of vans parked in front and they could have driven me home....
But, then again I wouldn't have such a sweet story to tell.
So thanks ladies, for challenging me and pushing me (literally) along.
Maybe one day I will hold my own with you when we go running.


HS Mom of 4 said...

Oh, Heather! This is a great story because of all that teasing you took the other night. What were they thinking? It's their turn now.

Hi! I'm Rebecca said...

Yea Heather!

Cav5Mom said...

Geez....I have no idea who you are talking about???