Friday, July 17, 2009

Laugh until your Cheeks Hurt!

That is my blinkie for now.

That is what we did tonight!

With dear husband on day shift and knowing this fact a month ago. I contacted a group of ladies that get together once or twice a year or whenever one of us needs a ladies night. I just sent the FYI that I would be available certain dates. They did not disappoint! It was wonderful to get together and share and laugh. Several of these ladies this is the only time we get to catch up face to face. The rest of the year, word of mouth or the computer is all that we have to connect us.

I sat at our table and marveled at our differences. Yet our love for the Lord connects us, as well as the womanly need for connection with other women. We are a melting pot of stages of life, single, married, been married for long time, older kids, younger kids, no kids, homeschool, not homeschool, work out of the home, and work in the home ladies. We cover it all! For this I am grateful. Grateful for friends who look beyond the titles, job descriptions, labels. Instead, friends who look more to the heart, love to laugh, and are yet comfortable with the silent pauses in conversation. Women/friends who are willingly to openly share their love for the Lord and the times they have experienced His presence.

Grateful for learning about home remodeling projects, beam removals. Crazy antics of little brothers. Being the center of much ridicule and comedy. Getting to be the source of great humor and laughter for my friends is a particular gift of mine. Parenting encouragement from those who have been there and done that. Sharing what has worked for others.
Of course it is particularly amazing to not have to get the 5 kiddos ready for bed and answering the bizzillionth question and request for water. Wonderful to have a husband who lets me have these special mom times.

Laugh till your cheeks hurt........


Cav5Mom said...

you said it all and made me laugh one more time tonight :)

Hi! I'm Rebecca said...

I was thinking the same thing Dara did--you said everything I would've said about our girls night out.

HS Mom of 4 said...

I totally agree. You expressed the fun of our evening and the beauty of our relationships so eloquently. Can I just copy yours to my blog? :)

Beach Momma said...

sure you can, copy away!