Saturday, July 4, 2009

Laundry Soap Directions

Hmmm, maybe someone will want to know how.
So here are my dear friend's laundry soap directions !

*1/2 bar of Fels Naptha soap (or 1 whole bar of Ivory soap)
*1 cup Borax
*1 cup Washing Soda
*1 TBS. GlycerinGrate the soap.

Heat on stove in 8 cups of water until melted. Simmer a few minutes to make sure the soap is thoroughly melted. Stir in remaining ingredients until all are dissolved. Add enough cold water to make 2 gallons. (I use a 3 gallon bucket to add the hot and cold mixture and then use a funnel to pour final product into a 2 gallon laundry jug).You will need to shake the jug before each use.


Cav5Mom said...

Oh goodness!

Hi! I'm Rebecca said...

I want to try! You get all this stuff at Walmart?