Saturday, July 4, 2009

Neighborhood Break-ins!

Due to the economy we have heard about a significant increase of breakins in our neighborhood. While we were on vacation, there was damage done to our backyard. It took us a while to figure out what happened. As you will discover from the slide show, they don't even care about coming under the cover of darkness. They will do their destruction in broad daylight. This time, I caught them and I got the pictures to prove they are the culprits!

While we were gone they stripped the broccoli down to what looked like green sticks. Very pathetic looking. Lettuce was just gone, didn't think it would come back it was so bad. Now the potatoes, they will be another wait and see.
We haven't gardened in years. This year, the kids were interested and they have done well to take over. Container gardening has made it easy. They actually weed without my asking the onion and potato beds. Though the onions have been pretty neglected. I do need to work on their botany. They keep calling the onions garlic, can't figure that one out. Out thieves don't care for onions or the weeds that grow around them. Next year, we just might have to create a border of onions around what we grow. We normally end up with wild melons, but our resident thiefs might destroy those plants as well. Only time will tell. For now, I got some really neat photos.

1 comment:

HS Mom of 4 said...

Funny, yet not so funny. We had similar culprits vandalize our strawberry patch a couple of years ago. Made me very sad/mad.