Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Blowing Stuff UP!

Air National Guard had an open house this past weekend. Demonstrations with dropping bombs, shooting flares, missles and the planes' machine guns, and flight manuevers.
Kids were excited. Dad had to work. I was the lucky parent to take the crew.
The kids loved it. We had to wait in line for over an hour to get to the parking. When we left the distance it took us an hour+ to travel took us only 10 minutes leaving. The long wait didn't faze the kids any. They saw helicopters and planes. They had fun checking out the bunkers and "buildings" used for training. As we approached the show site, they saw the planes dropping the bombs. They really got excited then.

We parked and I let them climb up on top of the suburban. I didn't want to walk on down to the stands. We were way out in a field by now. We stayed 45 minutes before leaving. We missed most of the show by the time we got there. It was so packed I wanted to get out before every one else. Good thing, cause when I looked in my rear view mirror there was a line of vehicles for as far as I could see.

The kids did see the flares being shot off. Daddy's Buddy calls them fireworks.
The machine guns firing caused Flutter Nutter to break out in full belly laughs/giggles. They don't make the rat a tat tat sound you hear in the movies. The kids all thought it sounded like the plane was f*rting. Still makes them break out in laughter when we talk about it. We watched a few maneuvers. Dad of course wanted to know which planes we saw and I am like....ummmmm.... I didn't know there would be a test. "Big planes," I responded. "There are big planes and there are little planes. These were all Big!" He just shook his head.

Even though things didn't go like we expected. The kids and I had a good time. They joked and played Slug Bug in the car while we drove. Lots of conversation. Good time just the 6 of us, no distractions. Next time, I hope dad gets to take them.

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