Thursday, August 6, 2009

Delightful Suprises!

This year we are trying something new in our house.

We were blessed greatly when 4 years ago we received a call from a woman I barely knew.
She didn't live far from us. Our daughters were in the same homeschool book club. She had been praying and my name came to mind. She wanted to teach another girl alongside her daughter for a subject or two. The goal was to provide socialization, accountability and class setting experience. With babies all around and feeling like I was drowning a bit and some prayer, I agreed. She has become a blessed friend to have. I believe God's hand was in bringing us together. We encountered many things this last year and God used this special family to help point us in many right directions. Our daughters are good friends. A year or so into this arrangement, the younger brothers were given an opportunity to have play time. Just about the time God started speaking to my heart that the arrangement might need to change soon, she approached me and told me God was leading their family in a different direction. So last year, Fun Mom and I discovered Middle School English together.

Last semester, God started showing me other opportunities to share this blessing with a couple of other moms. One who has babies just like I had and another who was looking for a similar scenario for her oldest. Works out perfect one boy and one girl. So twice a week now, we have English class at home. One hour of 3rd grade English and an hour of play time. One hour of 4th grade English and an hour of play time. The only downside Fun Mom is getting older and we couldn't do the same for her. She did have fun playing with little ones. She even asked if she could borrow the camera to take pictures of Flutter Nutter playing Barbies. She thought that was very funny!

Our first day of English was amazing. We got through 3 lessons in both sessions. A small amount of homework. Everyone seemed very suprised at how much we were able to accomplish. Won't always be the case. But what an encouraging start!

The boys seemed to have fun, even though they both didn't really say much about. But both girls were thrilled. "It went so fast!" "This is fun!" "Thanks Mom, I really liked English." So I am encouraged. Flutter Nutter took a bat to the face during class, so I had to run up and love on him. He has a beautiful shiner. Maybe, pictures later? Meanwhile, the girls took the innitiative to proceed with the lesson. I checked their work and it was perfecto!

My only rule for them about the homework, is if it isn't done then play time will be reduced until we get our work done. I am soooo hoping that will be all the motivation needed.
But for now, I will rest in a day that went very well!

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