Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Whew, it is a relief!

I am worth more alive than dead!
Social Security says so!
Several months ago, dear husband got his annual letter from Social Security listing out benefits should he get to meet our heavenly Father before we do. He wouldn't show me his letter. He was afraid I might do something harsh. Social Security indicated he was worth more in Heaven than on Earth. I beg to disagree that on most days. **grin**
However, Social Security says I haven't worked enough. What do they know ? ? There should be a higher pay scale for homemakers and mothers in general...stay at home or working moms! Soo, I am not worth much dead. Good to know.
Social security benefits would pay for child care. But there wouldn't be much left for all the eating out I know my family would do or for the cleaning service they would need to help keep things running, or for the extra shopping that would need to be done in the stores since dear hubby won't have time to garage sale.
WOOHOO, what confidence I have in my husband, that he cherishes me and loves me. LOL ! !
This goes right along with the little revelation I had a year ago. I like to have dear hubby accompany me sometimes on errands. He likes to seek, grab and depart. I like to look, and poke along. He has got to be in the right mood to do that with me. For instance, no children with us! So one particular outting, he was about done and said he was going to go have a seat and wait. It dawned on me, I could take as long as I wanted cause he would not leave me. If he left me, he would have to go home by himself to take care of the kids ! I knew that would not happen. :)
Job security, I love it !!
Just so you know, I don't make a habit of driving him nuts with this little bit of knowledge. But I do no longer fret if the line in the store takes a little longer than I know he would like. Or if I happen to change my mind and need to get out of line and start all over again.


Hi! I'm Rebecca said...

Love it!!!

HS Mom of 4 said...

Good to know. Kind of always suspected the truth of this. :) I love for them to think they can't live w/o me.