Wednesday, December 2, 2009

More Laundry Fun and a New First!

So I have shared the fun I have in doing my family's laundry here.
I really don't mind doing laundry. It is one of the few household chores that I find very satisfying to do. It was my favorite chore for a short time while Hockey Player was 4 and 5. Clean laundry meant the world to the boy. Every time I did laundry, I received a very enthusiastic and sincere, "Thank you mommy for doing my laundry!" Just melts my heart.
Chances are I will never hear, "Thank you mommy for cleaning the bathroom!" or "Thank you mom for sweeping the floor, dusting the house and changing the light bulbs!" Nope, but laundry... it is the the one thing that thrills everyone in the house when it is done. There is nothing more disappointing than to go to the closet and your favorite "--" is not there.

But my latest suprise was courtesy of Flutter Nutter.
In an effort to bring a little more peace in the "boys' room," the one shared by Daddy's Buddy and Flutter Nutter, we purchase green totes and clear totes. Green for Flutter Nutter (his favorite color) and clear for Daddy's Buddy. They now had individuals totest for their own personal stuff. Now when we introduced the totes and the opportunity for them to "protect" their personal possessions in their own boxes we were pleasantly suprised by their willingness to clean and sort thier toys.
Cleaning their rooms is no longer a battle. They don't want the other one to get their stuff. Who knew that thought pattern could work to a mother's advantage. They even pick up their clothes off the floor.
This last little bit is a my lead in....
So off to sorting the laundry, I am pondering out loud how 2 little boys can generate so much laundry. The pile was huge...their hamper was overflowing after 2 days. I get towards the bottom and what do I find but a clean shirt STILL ON THE HANGER! On the hanger no less! Did it ever make it to the closet? Who knows? But score one for me, because at least I knew it was clean without asking. It could be put in the clean basket to be put away. :)

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