Sunday, February 22, 2009

Clean those knees-n- toes and Head & Shoulders

This is N! We adore N! He has personality oozing from every bit of his being. He loves spikey hair and likes it to be really done up so the hockey helmet he wears doesn't mess it up. He likes his hair to look different than D's. I think this is because I tend to say the wrong name when talking to the two of them and it irritates him. Most things about D irritate him. (On a side note, I am starting to call him by S's name more often now.) As Dara knows, and finds tremendous humor in the fact, Saturday is bath/shower night. All kiddos get cleaned up for church on Sunday. So N is in the shower. I remind him we gotta really wash his hair good. He uses

cause he has the driest scalp ever and flakes really bad if we don't use it. So this Saturday night, I ask if he wants help washing his hair....He does. All of a sudden he starts yelling while I am scrubbing his head.. "MY SHOULDERS, MY SHOULDERS"
Well it is called Head and Shoulders...
So I rub his shoulders and he quits hollering!
Maybe one day I will explain the shoulder part is about flakes falling to the shoulders.
For now, I will chuckle and blog.