Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daniel's Calendar and Daily to do List in his own words

When asked, "What do you do on ---(fill in the day of the week)? D answers
Sunday : "spankings and Batman"
Monday: "Spiderman and spankings and Scooby Doo"
Tuesdays: "I go potty." "Take a bath"
Wednesdays: "spankings"
Thursdays: "go to my bed and get spankings"
Friday: "Batman, the Brave and the Bold."
Saturday: "Batman, the Brave and the Bold."

You must like spankings? (says Dad) "Yeah," says Daniel.

If you ask him, "When do you eat dinner?" or "go to bed" or whatever else you can think.
Daniel responds, "Tuesdays."

It sure sounds like he gets a whole lot of spankings. However, normally "the look" from Mom or Dad does the trick and he takes off running to do what he is told with a giggle or two. So I have no clue why he is fascinated with spankings. He, also, has reverted to doing something questionable, looks at me and then spanks himself with his hand and grins.

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