Monday, March 15, 2010

I love a smooth sweet talker..

A week ago, we had swim lessons.
We could have had the lessons outside for all the rain coming down.
It was too bad I didn't check the weather before getting ready for the day.
I usually work with the natural wave in my hair on most days. However, this particular morning I decided to straighten. ? ? ? I know, what a waste on a rainy day.

So after lessons, the rain was really coming down and I told the kids to stay in the doorway. I would bring the truck up to the front of the Y.

Almost to the truck, I hear something and it is Flutter Nutter.
Me: What are you doing?
FN: I wanted to come with you?
Me: But I am getting wet!
FN: So am I.
Me: But my hair is getting wet!
FN: So is mine.
(He just doesn't get it, I am a girl! I straightened my hair! Now I have to stand in the rain longer to get him situated in the carseat and shut the door. )
So we get all situated and...
Me: My hair is a mess! (I will admit it, I whined through the whole statement.)
FN: Mommy, I wuv you even if your hair is messy.
Me: I love you too.
How could I be upset anymore about my hair. I had my little man, who loved me no matter what. He was so happy to go with me in the rain to the truck!

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