Thursday, March 4, 2010

I So Appreciate the Benefits of Caffeine...

With caffeine, I leave my very laid back, calm, unimaginative and unmotivated self behind.

With caffeine, I am cheerfully chattery with my children. I get sewing, mending, grading, dishes, laundry, school, cleaning, ebay, and closets cleaned out. Array of other odds and ends projects done. My body does not appreciate my caffeine source. Coffee is not my source. Ewww, is all I can think of when I think of it. I have tried a frapucchino. But even with the sugar, chocolate and yumminess added, there is that dreadful after taste. My source is Pepsi. I love the bubbles, the taste, the hiss when a new bottle is open and most of all, the caffeine.

I kicked my habit about 4 years ago. Six dreadfully long months of withdrawal.

The last month or so, I have been testing the waters...or more like the Pepsi's.
I can't get addicted again. Withdrawal was horrible and lasted for months. But I do like the way the bubbly makes me bubbly. It is sooo bad for me too. It does horrible things to bones. It is dehydrating if I don't drink enough water. It can keep me awake way too late at night, especially when Fun Mom accidently adds a little to my drink. But a little bitty cup of it during the early afternoon slump, is just the perfect boost to keep me from napping when there are things to be done.

Oh, what is a girl to do? ! ?

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