Saturday, September 1, 2012

Really? ? People? ?

I love remembering back to this post.  I always wondered why no-one showed up at my door to  help around the house....  It is cause I never finished posting!  So the offer still stands people. :)

Thanks Tina!
For the heads up! Indeed, my blog was hacked again. I have deleted the offending blog posts. Are the people out there so bored they can only find entertainment in loading gobbly gook on my blog. I can think of so many other entertaining things to do.
Eating turkey.
Chasing my children off to bed and watching a movie with hubby.
Playing scrabble.
Curling up with a good book.
Then there is the practical..which by the way you blog hackers, if you really have that much time on your hands, I would love for you to put your hands to good use and consider using your time to:
sweep and mop my floors
scrub my tubs
clean my little boys' room
scoop dog poo out of the backyard
wash cabinets
finish the basement ceiling
finish the bathroom
lay carpet throughout the house
repair the ceiling in our living room
I am sure one of the children would be more than willing to clog up the toilet to the point it needs to be pulled and cleaned out. That is a fun job!
When that is all done, I have 2 or 3 kiddos who would love to read books to you or have you read to them.
Not to mention all the many charity organizations out there that could use a few extra hands this winter!

1 comment:

Cav5Mom said...

Well the good news is you have a great to do list!!!