Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April Reflections, part 3...

Yep, part 3. I don't know how many parts there are going to be.
So we get the young man splinted up and home.
There wasn't much sleeping that night. The docs failed to give us anything for the pain, his or ours. So I held out till it daylight and paged the doc on call. Sweet Tylenol with Codeine was called out for us! Hope for sleep that night! ! !
Alas, we still have a full day. We don't stop, no siree, this crew just keeps putting one foot in front of the other.
We deliver dad's boat to the marina. We deliver children to the aunt's house to fill Easter eggs. We sneak in a mini nap. Head home, but pick up the TyLeNoL with CODEINE! Feed children. Go over the outdoor play rules.
"MOOOOooooM! ! Daddy's Buddy has a goose egg on his forehead!"

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So not excited. I mean, they didn't say he fell out of the fort. How bad could it be?

Oh my stinking WORD! It was the size of the Easter eggs they had been filling!
What did HE DO? ? ?

"I hit my head like this.." (he nods his head forward)

Really??? Just to hit your head? WHY? ? ?

DB: "NOOoooo, we were wrestling up in the fort and I fell like this (forward) into that piece of wood (2X4), like this (nod)"

Somehow in all of that these words came trickling out of my mouth..
"Really? ! ? ! ?"
"Wrestling in the fort?"
"After your brother just fell and broke his arm?"
"What on earth?"
"That's it, everyone in!"
"Showers! BED! I AM DoNe, DONE, DONE!!!!
I wish I could say the story ended there.
You see, earlier in the day, we were alerted to some very red hands. VERY RED Hands! Bright red. There was a time before, when we couldn't identify the source of the red color. Well thankfully, God reminded me of the koolaid packets I had discovered in the back of the suburban while we were hooking up the boat.
NoT bLoOd this time.
So it is bath time for Daddy's Buddy. He likes showers, but his hands are still dyed red and I sentenced him to a long soak to get his hands back to their normal color. Easter is the next day and Mom would like the kids to look somwhat nice considering the goose eggs, black eyes, scrapes, stitches and broken arm.
Bath is over and Daddy's Buddy comes crying. "My hand still stings."
What? ? Why would his hand be stinging?
First thought, he was messing with the razors...
I ask to see his hand.
Sure enough, superficial (doesn't need stitches) slice from the palm to the first knuckle on the finger.
"What did you do?" I asked.
DB: "When I hit my head, I went like this. (Caught himself with his hands.) There was big pieces of wood in my hand, but (with some enthusiasm here) I pulled them out."
** SIGH **
Neosporin, band aides, eczema creams, bed.

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