Sunday, June 26, 2011

WOW !! It has been a while....

I knew I had withdrawn from various social networking devices, but I didn't realize how long it has been since I had posted.
Pictures I have taken. Thoughts of posts that could be posted have been dreamed up...but then there is life. I must say the last few months I have been making conscious decisions away from social networking. Good, bad, will I regret the lack of "journaling", I don't know. But I do know that life is a bit more relaxed for me as a result of letting go of this "one" thing.
Kids have healed up. I have been visiting family here and there. We celebrated a 15th, 43rd, 60th, 42nd and 62nd birthday in the last month. Father's Day times four. A wedding. Managed to sneak the pool in a couple of times.
I was on steroids over the last month, so I got lots done at home. Crazed momma syndrome.
My oldest went to Colorado for a week.
The kids and hubby all were at VBS for a week. Nope, I didn't go this year. I worked on projects at home. LOTS of projects.
I have been lesson planning for the next year. 5 in school next year. I bought a GBC Pro-Click Binding system and been busy making up books. OH what fun that is! !! So going to like these books more than 3 prong folders, staples and 3 ring binders.
Listing stuff on E-Bay so I don't have to have a garage sale. :)
Garage - Sale Shopping ! ! !
Laundry, feeding children (why they find this necessary, I have no idea), more laundry, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning...did I mention I was on steroids this last month and the kids were duly frightened of mass cleaning spree. :)
And listening....
I find myself listening to the children in summer thrills.
Running down the street to the ice cream truck and ecstatic they have nut free treats !!!
Playing in the sprinkler with Gus the dog.
"Secret" discussions on how they can reinact a MacGyver stunt.
The mystery of how my oil and water boys have found they have common ground....laughing and plotting in great delight about how to annoy their older sister.
Summer Siestas! ! Oh, how I love these.
Summer nights, still warm but with the sun low in the west, it just doesn't feel as hot and it is perfect for a walk or hanging out on the porch.
My favorite is sneaking away to the lake and getting on my dad's boat. Completely disconnected from the world and responsibilities. No thoughts about laundry, paying bills, dishes, tomorrow's appointments. Just fun, hanging with the kids, feet dangling off the dock in the water, worms on a hook, tossing kiddos into the lake and hearing them holler at the suprise. Completely disconnected from our hectic life. So completely disconnected, I don't notice it till we were are headed home and the closer we get, the more my to do list and calendar starts running through my mind. Hubby agrees, more time at the lake is in the works. Nice for this momma to so completely disconnect. Who knows, maybe I will get some pictures taken and posted. :)


HS Mom of 4 said...

Glad you did some catching up on your blog. I enjoyed your visit today. It has really been too long since I last saw you. Thanks for coming by.

Beach Momma said...

Hey Janet, I am so glad I got to see you. I loved seeing how well you are doing this time round through treatments. Such an answer to prayer. Have fun this week trying to think of things to talk about with Terry. :)