Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Suprises in Shakespeare's MacBeth

I remember reading MacBeth in high school.  Vaguely.  I remember trying to figure it out.  Discovering Cliff Notes.  Listening closely in class to the discussions, wondering where I was when God dispensed the abilities to understand Shakespeare.  Then, this weekend, I curl up to read MacBeth once again.  Shook my head a couple of times to get rid of the "flusters".  Grabbed the dictionary and slowed down my reading.  I understood it!  I really was enjoying the intelligence of the writing.  The wit and humor weaved in the poetic style of writing.  A depth and complexity that challenges one to think as they read, but rewards the reader with humor and suprises. 
Suprises, in deed, because this time around I am getting what I am reading.  Jaw dropping that causes my curiosity to peak, what will my students have to say about this book. 
They have much to say.  Crazy, incomprehensible (my word, not theirs).  Lady MacBeth is EVIL! Crazy!  Psycho! 
To which, I have to agree. 
I never remember reading this in MacBeth before:

"I have given suck, and know
How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me:
I would, while it was smiling in my face,
Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums,
And dash'd the brains out,"

WHAT ????

I was completely into the story anticipating the murder of King Duncan and then I read the above.  Shock rippled through me and I laughed.  I know I have read the story.  So many of the lines are familiar.  I even remember my awkwardness when reading some of the passages.  But this one, somehow escaped me.  It did not escape my students.

But the highlight of the week's reading....Hurlyburly
as in, "When the hurlyburly's done,"
Isn't that such a fun word, especially, in light of Lady MacBeth dashing a baby's brains out. 
Hurlyburly, meaning uproar or tumolt

My kids are in the midst of a hurlyburly.  :)
No more hurlyburly! !

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