Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Part 2 of Early Easter Fun ~ Dying the Eggs

Two days after blowing the eggs, I needed some peace and quiet.  I had the kids prep the table with newspaper.  I looked online how to dye Easter eggs, the "old-fashioned" way.  Old-fashioned in that I remembered doing it with food coloring and vinegar when I was a kid.  I don't ever remember using a kit.  I wing a lot of things, but I wanted some peace and quiet and needed to make sure it would work. 
So we made up the colors and I set them to work. 
Who knew that my younger 3 would entertain themselves for over an hour? How many eggs did they dye??  TWO EACH! 
They knew they needed 2 for each of the 2 older sibs not there at the moment.  I never know when a project will elicit the response, "But I want to do it..."  They are just at that age.  They loved blowing the egg goo out of the shelves.  They did oblige the youngers and offer their eggs up to their younger sibs to explore more creativity. 
Even though I enjoyed the quiet very much, I had to snap a couple of pictures to capture the moment. 

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