Friday, December 26, 2008

The Day after...

The children are coming off their Christmas fever.
They are showing signs of being tired and bicker a little more than usual.
Amazing. The sliding glass door was left open through the late morning and afternoon.
Dad and Uncle Terry assembled the trampoline with only a few little instruction narrations from me. Occassionally, reading the instructions helps when constructing something bigger than you.
The kids jumped, and jumped and jumped.
I puttered through the house and enjoyed the quiet.
Big-o-Daddy-o and I slipped off to do a few errands.
I bought a micro memory card at Office Max with Christmas. The whole kit and kaboodle for $15. AT-T wanted to charge me almost $50 for! Now I can get the pictures off my phone.
We were able to find the camera case A wanted to buy with her Christmas money.
We bought the batteries for the all the gizmos the kids received Christmas morning. Oops, the elves forgot batteries were key in getting some of those presents to work.
I learned a little more about MP3 players.
I never thought I would feel so behind my kids in all the technology but I do. I tried to play with my bil's blackberry and my eldest said, "here mom let me show you how to text." She almost seemed embarrassed that I struggled to "get it".
We went to see Uncle and Aunt Texas for a bit tonight.
On the way home I noticed the thermostat said 62 degrees. At 10 p.m. EVEN! !
I hope the weather is this beautiful tomorrow.
Tomorrow we celebrate my father-in-law's 80th birthday!
Now time to go snuggle dear sweet husband and watch the movie he has been so patiently waiting for.
So hopefully in a day or two I will be able to include pictures from Christmas and the party.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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