Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thanks Grandma! Could you have called in 2 days instead of today!

So Grandmama called first thing this morning. She has a way of connecting with the kiddies!
To each one she asked, "Do you know what today is?" and "What does that mean?"
She got a varied replies. But they all guessed Christmas EVE!
From there the excitement has exploded.
They came for the late afternoon and evening.
Pizza for dinner, MacGyver reruns from the library.
Help with making carmel rolls.
They slip off to Grandpa's "big city loft".
The kids are so excited....
It is 9:30 and the littlest keeps sneeking out of bed and sent back to bed.
So now I hear the wails of "you're such a meanie!" And growls that make me wonder if there really is a T-Rex in the room.
But it has been 9 minutes and still no reappearance.
However, kind hearted S has brought me a pillow he found in his room (one that should be in my room.) He is presently asking me if I want anything to eat!
A is quietly waiting in her room to finish her sister's present. Sister has to be asleep first. She is in her room because I told her she couldn't hover and lurk and follow me around trying to learn secrets.
Now S has to go to the bathroom. The only one who went to bed and has stayed is M. Maybe I will give her extra sweets tomorrow!

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