Wednesday, December 24, 2008

When you are too cool for Pictures, Mom has a way!

It inevitably happens. The sweet little 3.5 pounder who you cradled in your arm and prayed home from the hospital is now "cool". And you learn it is not cool to smile for the camera. So what is a mom to do ?
She hold the camera and says.
"S-ie, smile for you mom. Smile or I am going to kiss you in front of your friends."
Then the mom gets this:

So you try again and you turn on the charm.
"I love you....(drippy syrupy sweet voice.)
I am going to kiss you (kissy sounds now)
If you don't smile, a nice smile for me. "
It is all in the asking of the question.
AND asking the right question.
The incorrect request was for a smile.
The correct request was for a "nice smile"
Then the mom gets this:
Isn't he handsome!
My cutie!

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