Monday, May 18, 2009

It is all in how you say it!

So tonight we went to Horse Back riding!
All the kids love it. Pond to throw rocks and sticks in. Wet dogs to jump all over the boys and get them all wet. (Well maybe the smaller ones don't enjoy that part so much.) The girls get to touch, brush, ride, lope, see, feel, breathe horses. Pure Heaven for them. Tonight I got caught up on coupon clipping and putting away.
Time to leave and I tell the kiddos the plan. Stop at Walgreen to purchase June "suprises"...can anyone guess what is in June?? Then maybe Targets for all the great deals!
After Walgreens I ask kiddos what they thought, ready to go to Targets!

YEAH ! ! ! x4
Nooooo, I wanna go home x1, the littlest one of course.
Hmmm, majority rules, but the minority can make our life miserable.

Quickly, calling to mind one of my mother's favorite sayings, "That's okay, we'll put you in the trunk so you'll stay safe." (Mind you we drive a suburban, we don't really have a trunk, just a cargo area."
"I will be good, I want to go. "

By the end of the trip, noone was smiling. D was telling us "I want to be good"

I told him, wanting and doing are 2 different things. And that I didn't think he would get to go with me until he wasn't 3 anymore and he can 'do' .

We got home in time for bed. Maybe tomorrow I can savor the victory of all my great deals. For now they are in the bags dropped on the floor, cause shopping with wiggling, impatient, busy, curious children with hands that can't stop moving is exhausting.

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