Saturday, May 23, 2009

Kids Say the Craziest Things!

Today we were so blessed by friends. I was at the dr. office when Mike got the call. They asked if they could take all the kids. ALL of them! For the afternoon, AND night. Swimming, BBQ, sleep over. We didn't think the two youngest would do well away from their beds. N cause he likes the familiar at bed time. D cause he has been having lots of night terrors. So they came home for a late bedtime. It was great. I slept on and off all day. Sleeping off an anaphylactic reaction to my antibiotics. Mike just relaxed. Wonderful considering the week we are going into.
The highlight of the children's return was the story about N.

Our Dear Mom Friend asked N, "Would you like this snack?"
N in reply asked, "Would you like me to answer in French or English?"
Dear Mom Friend asked our oldest if he spoke other languages. No.
You just never know what N is going to say. Like the day he looked at his Dad and said, "I have a big head." which he does.
But that is N and one of the things we love about him. He brings a lot of unintentional humor to our lives.

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