Monday, May 18, 2009

This is "Beast" A.K.A "IT" and "DOG"

So I got a phone call late one afternoon last week from my neice....
"I don't have anyone else to call.... I know it is a lot to ask..... You have 5 kids and....
I know it is a lot to ask..... I don't have anyone else to call....." SPIT IT OUT!
She wanted me to dog sit for her while she went to Hawaii for 2 1/2 weeks. This is no normal dogsitting. This is brand new puppy sitting. "IT" still has puppy breath. "IT" cries at night.
"IT" is still potty training. YOU HAVE TO TALK TO YOUR UNCLE, I tell her.
So we are puppy sitting.

If you look at the picture below you will notice she is confused as to what a Sunday paper is for! COUPONS! NOT HER! !

I have strongly informed my children they are puppy sitting, not me. They begged to do it. My rules.... DOG is not allowed in house unsupervised. She came on Sat. morning, this morning (Monday) and I stepped in dog poo !! On the carpet no less! Not happy. BEAST went outside and dear sweet oldest quickly cleaned it up while I went to shower. Don't know who I was more upset with. NEW RULE, DOG only allowed on hard floor of basement, kitchen, dining room. In a carpeted room, someone had better be holding IT.

It really irritates oldest, the youngers are getting used to it. I won't call IT by its name. She is cute, but we are soooo not getting attached. We are pet sitters not dog owners.

Dear sweet neice, BEAST is still alive!, that is if you are checking my blog for updates. Dear sweet A informed me I should blog about DOG cause she is like one of the children. (Side note: Yes, we have a tendency of killing (not meaning to) or losing pets. Thus, why we are not pet people. We are fortunate our children are still alive. If you don't understand that statement you must read older posts about my active children who adore visiting the ER.)

1 comment:

HS Mom of 4 said...

I think we share a similar attitude about pets. So glad I'm not having to deal with a puppy! You have my sympathies.