Monday, January 11, 2010

He missed me!

So last night Hockey Player came up to me before going to bed.
Told me, "You can cheer at my games."
Mom: "Oh, I can, thanks."
Mom: "What changed?"
HP: "Dad told me to tell you, that you could cheer."
Mom: "Did you miss hearing me cheer?"
HP: "Yeah."
My heart soared. I don't know how much of him missing me is because Dad has been coaching him on how to be "nice" to the women in his life... (ex.saying, "I miss you" even when he is too busy to actually miss me.) But I will take it and be happy. I got a hug out of the deal.
I really wantd to respect his wishes and let him grow up, but it sure is hard sometimes. I am just glad he came to his senses. LOL !

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