Thursday, January 21, 2010

He must of missed me....

The ENT, that is.
I called this morning on my primary's recommendation to tell them of the numbness on the left side of my head.
They fit me in this afternoon.
BigODaddyO went with me, just in case, since my hearing is not at 100%.
But there wasn't anything to hear!
He stroked my face 6 times with a tongue depressor.
Went hmmm.
Asked if I ever had a MRI of my head.
Asked if it was normal.
Yep ~ had a brain.
I apologized and told him I am trying to have a sense of humor about this.
He said that was alright.
The only other thing he said was, "not many things will do this."
Out the door he went.
That was it!
I asked the nurse if she knew what the MRI would be for?
The chart said to rule out MS and other things.
So the MRI is checking out my head to see if there is anything worrisome and to make sure I still have my brain!
I am sure the lady from AWANA last night would be interested to know if I had a brain after last night's conversation with me....
She asked me if I was Greg's wife?
No, I am Mike's wife.
Who is Mike?
My husband.
I just lost it then and apologized, told her I just lose it sometimes after spending all day with the kids. She laughed.
I guess she thought I resembled Greg's wife. I don't know if she ever found her. She still doesn't know who Mike is.
So, this is what I know.
And before long we will find out if I have a brain or if I am in need to go see the Wizard of Oz.


HS Mom of 4 said...

How are you holding up? I know you're trying to have a sense of humor but it still has to be worrisome. I'll be praying for you.

Hi! I'm Rebecca said...

I hope everything goes well for you Heather!