Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It could be worse....

After an afternoon in the dentist office with kiddos and a trip to the ENT, I fired my husband because he had to go to work while I was at the ENT office, and then off to the ice rink for 3 kiddos' lessons and Hockey Player's practice.
The dentist office was all good news. No cavities!
The ENT was a whole other story. A Flutter Nutter who did not want to cooperate. Kids who were tired of offices and being good was enough to fire the dad on the spot. A dr. with a sense of humor and has 4 of his own helped get us through the appointment, as well as the bribery of McDonald's if they were quiet. It worked, as long as I wasn't in the room. Since, I am not hearing too well, I had to rely on the staff's confirmation they were quiet.
This last sinus/ear infection was a doozie. My ear feels like is full of cotton all the time. So off to the ENT to figure out what is wrong.
The final story from the ENT, I have a middle ear issue. The nerves are working, but...
The middle ear is red... I have hearing loss. So the doc's recommendation is steroids and see if they can do their magic on the ear.
I am trying to remember it could be worse. My hearing could be affected in both ears. So for now, I have to learn to compensate. I need to pray for an extra measure of grace and inner peace because steroids means a grumpy, hungry mom. The difference in hearing is a little disorienting. I avoid the phone if there is much noise around me because I have to use my good ear and if the kids are around, it gets a little more interesting than it did before. The good news, when I am on steroids I get a lot done. So, I am imagining various projects I could do with the extra burst of getting done power I am going to have. We'll see what happens with the ear...

1 comment:

HS Mom of 4 said...

Oh, Heather! I'm so sorry to hear about the hearing problem. I fully understand about compensating for sensory shortcomings. Your attitude is great though. I'm often reminded that things could be worse. It helps keep it all in perspective.

I'm sorry the steroids make you grumpy. I liked the steroids when I had to take them. I thought about asking the dr. for more--but I didn't.