Sunday, February 21, 2010

Humor on the Road...

So I gotta share this but of humor.
We were in KC this weekend. Near the ice rink we spent most of our time was an assisted living place. This was their sign:
(No pictures...the guys would not have been impressed if I had asked them to stop so I could take a picture...there was hockey to play!)

Sunrise Assisted Living
with a special neighborhood for the memory challenged
Gotta love the very diplomatic way of referencing senility, memory lapses and 'senior moments'.
My next favorite humorous tidbit:
Saturday after 2 vigourous games and a light lunch we went out to dinner.
Hockey Player inhaled his dinner and looked at me and told me he was still hungry.
I gave him half of what was left on my plate.

Then I asked Big O Daddy O if he was going to finish his steak.

Let me preface this with, BODO, has been very supportive and encouraging
to Hockey Player in gaining weight. Want a bowl of ice cream?
Sure, have 2 bowls. Want 2 burgers? Sure, have a third.

So BODO's response to sharing with Hockey Player was a little shocking!
BODO: Yeah, I am going to eat it! No way, I am going to share!
BODO: Hey, Fun Mom, you have anything left? Share with your brother.
Don't let a growing child get in between BODO and his steak.

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