Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sometimes it is Mom that learns something new!

I have been pretty comfy and cozy in my life at home.
Pretty confident in knowing what my kids know how to do.
Last night, I commissioned Hockey Player to make microwave popcorn.
He did a great job.
The next thing I know Flutter Nutter is getting all squirrelly and happy. More so than when he found out he was getting popcorn. Just sooo happy. I was bound to get suspicious. Then I heard the word marshmallow.

Flutter Nutter chose last night to teach me he could use the microwave. Into the pantry, cause Hockey Player had not shut the door all the way and the door has one of those door knob thing-bobbers to keep Flutter Nutter and Daddy's Buddy out of there, he got into the marshmallows.

He has figured out how to open the microwave door. That is a challenge, since the button is broken and if you don't push it just right it doesn't work. But hey, one way to child proof or so I thought. It still works, so why buy another one. Then he proved to me he knew how to work the microwave. He melted marshmallows onto his popcorn which made something like a popcorn ball concoction and one happy four year old.

To my shock and dismay all the other children confirmed, oh yes, he has known how to do that for awhile. Maybe I shouldn't let them stay home so much while I am taking Hockey Player to practice. Maybe there is more I don't know. Maybe there is more I don't want to know. It is going to be an interesting spring and summer when we are all home a lot more. But doesn't he look happy with his creation?!?

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