Sunday, February 26, 2012

Counting to 125

I have been slow to keep up with my posting my counts.  Will take a few posts to catch up.
When I last left off  I was at 109.
110.  Smooth going mornings.
111.  Healthy children
113. A car warmed up by hubby
114.  Time to fix memory issues on computer.
116.  News that Granny is not in complete congestive heart failure
117.  Great Tutoring sessions
120. Listening to my children play the game "Life" on their Ipods in the car.
121.  Super cold days and nice warm cars and buildings.
123.  A good game doesn't always end like we want it to.
124.  A sister in law's distractions allowing me to shop with hubby and kids are entertained.
125. MaryBeth Chapman's story.

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