Thursday, March 15, 2012

Counting to 215

195.  Dara 
196.  Friends who pour out love in spite of warts 
197. Bills are paid 
198. Time to reflect 
199.  Thanks in a child's handwriting
200.  Encouragement from a child on the other side of the world.
201. Children playing
202. Doggy barks at the air, cause that is what dogs do
203. Early morning song of birds
204. Poking through the growth. Promise of flowers.
205. Hyacinths
205. Budding of trees.
206. Skype and skype parties. 
207. Strokes and what they teach us. 
208. Father in laws recovery
209. Vacations 
210. Husbands love and sacrifice in sending me and the children away. 
211.  Tree lined streets in showy white blossoms 
212. Spring humidity and smells of the earth stirring and waking up.
213.  Clean smooth teeth after having them cleaned.
214.  Teenager driving lessons
215.  Getting to use my dad's washer and dryer.

1 comment:

Cav5Mom said...

I love number 195! It is my new favorite number.