Friday, November 9, 2012

Counting to 825..............

801.  Plan B in place
802.  Birthday dinners that provide lunch the next day!
803.  Tired children...means they had a good day of fun
804.  Spontaneous conversations...opportunities to build relationships and love others with the love of Jesus.
805.  Letters written
806.  Lessons in righteousness in place of fairness
807.  New swings to replace the old and smiling children soaring to the sky
808.  The sound of the washer and dryer as I sit and put my feet up.
809. Kitten Paws
810.  Dad's Bud careful building of kitty condos out of boxes
811.  Giggles and joy as my children enjoy the presence of kittens, even if they are older kittens
812.  Quiet late night introductions
813.  Sleeping girls
814.  Breathing treatment to settle down an over done child who was struggling to breath on top of everything else
815.  Big Warrior Husband shows his tender side by loving on kittens when all is quiet
816.  Encouragement from friend that in spite of my child's struggles he is making great strides.
817.  Humor in discipline and correction
818.  Experiencing a gentle answer turns away wrath
819.  Cast is off, brace is on, Hockey Player is skating once again
820.  A dizzy Fun Girl regains her equilibrium
821.  Shopping trip results in 6 new mix and match tops for me!!  Finding something I feel pretty in!
822.  Fun I had with children while shopping
823.  Pumpkin toes courtesy of Fun Girl
824.  Lessons learned, even if it was the hard way
825.  Getting to Vote!

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