Monday, February 4, 2013

Counting in 2013....the Mom list

So I haven't been posting at all like I would like.... I even compose lists as I fall asleep.  Sigh....
Here is some of what I have been counting this year.
1001.  Pinewood Derby Camp-ins... Hubby and Dad's Bud working on the car together.
1002.  Date night with hubby, even when I don't feel up to it 100%
1003.  Paydays
1004.  3 day weekends
1005.  Federal holidays...hubby is a federal employee = extra days off
1006.  Shopping for furniture with hubby
1007.  Cleared for Colorado

A list of moments with my Mom

1008.  Chin cupped in hands of my mom
1009.  Mom smoothing away my tears
1010.  Granddaughters faces cupped in grandmama's hands as she tells them they are beautiful
1011.  The struggle and fierceness to try and remember my name....when I tell her why I cry...she doesn't remember me...
1012.  Nodding her head when I help her by saying, "Heather"
1013.  For a moment, knowing my children by name
1014.  Swiping my Pepsi while I am driving by pouring it in her cup. 
1015.  Angry with me and leaves the house, yet she comes back and invites me on her walk.
1016.  A lifetime of nightly Bible reading continues in spite of Alzheimers
1017.  Knowing the great hymns and singing with music
1018.  Attending church, and praising God with abandon during the worship time
1019.  Packing her things and all the Bible notes found tucked in here and there
1020.  In some ways she was a minimalist, she didn't keep stuff to keep stuff, almost everything I touched of hers had significance and brought back a memory
1021.  Holding one another and crying together....brief moment of acknowledgement and grief over what was happening to her mind.
1022.  After meeting the nursing home staff and taking a tour, as we sat together and grieved, "You want to know what I think?  It is okay. It will take some getting used to."  A moment of acceptance, a moment with my Mom, the Mom I've known for all my years.
1023.  Watching Brave with Mom
1024.  Watching movies in general with Mom
1025.  Introducing Mom to the movie, "She's the Man"
1026.  Trading Mom a Pepsi for baby Joyness....So I could finally have a turn holding the baby.
1027.  Playing Mom's musical animals
1028.  Snuggling on the couch and resting my head on her shoulder for probably the last time
1029.  Listening to her remembering the hikes she took with my Hubby
1030.  Mom waking up early ready to go....frustrated that she has to wait on me yet again.
1031.  Tackle hugs in Walmart
1032.  The manners of my they eat the offered cookie from Grandma.  The last cookies she will probably ever make.  They were BAD.  As in AWFUL.  I couldn't even finished it. (Grandpa sat on the couch watching, a little smirk on his face!)  Grandma was loving her cookie and couldn't eat it fast enough! Could have been a candid camera moment! 
1033.  The Grandpa figurine on the porch
1034.  Bright cheery floral bedding
1035.  Laughing together
1036.  Pressed Flowers
1037.  Finding a piece I cross-stitched and she kept it all these years
1038.  Flowers from my wedding that she kept all these years!
1039.  Finding her "lost" SS trips to the SS office required!
1040.  Grandma's goose and frog
1041.  Shiny gray hair
1042.  Chinese excercise balls for fingers

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