Friday, February 8, 2013

Counting...The Mom list continued (to 1060)

1043. Capturing grandchildren in film as they are
1044.  Holding Hockey Player in the NICU before anyone else
1045.  Worrying HOckey Player would receive enough touch and love while in the NICU
1046.  Praise music in the morning as she would get ready for work
1047.  Calling Little Princess her "China Doll"
1048.  Taking Fun Girl hiking and teaching her to think it through and come up with a get on the otherside of a fallen tree.
1049.  Planning adventures with grandchildren
1050.  Acorn People
1051.  Pipe cleaner critters
1052.  Faces in the tree trunks
1053.  Talking tooth brush holders
1054.  Swim suit shopping for Hawaii
1055.  Demonstrating that learning never stops you can do it at any age
1056.  Life was never easy, but there was always good in it
1057.  Grandma and Papa stories on tapes
1058.  Not letting me mope and feel sorry for myself. 
1059.  Never too old to learn or try new things.
1060.  Life is an adventure...jump in with both feet and don't take yourself to serious.

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