Friday, November 21, 2008

I think I need to follow up ! There is a time to stand against the mother.

Once we knew the house had not burned down I had a serious chat with my older children.
I have very good children.
For the most part well trained, at least the older ones. You might say wisdom comes with experience and age and they have learned obedience is best. As you might recall from an earlier post my eldest quickly submitted to my instructions to get in the car when she had cookies in the oven.
So during our little chat, I informed my older ones, there is a time and place to refuse to obey me. For instance if there are cookies in the oven and I am hurrying everyone out to the car. I warned them, I might get mad. They might get in hot water. However, once I realize they are not "defying" me to defy me but are trying to do the right thing they can count on their mother to apologize. Because, even though they are well trained and good children, it does get chaotic and at times it feels they are dividing and trying to conquer the mother. When I feel like they are all going but, but, but I do fail to stop and listen and just want everyone to do what they are told and NOW!
So with big eyes and new understanding hopefully are home will continue to stand and be here for more years to come.

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