Monday, November 17, 2008

Sometimes I Dread Praying

Caught your attention with that title, didn't I?

Mealtimes here are such an adventure. 5 kids and you never know what will happen at the dinner table. However, I can guarantee there will be an attempt to pray before meals. Sometimes, though I cringe inwardly and think "lets just skip it this time". I am not the only one though. I think dear husband sometimes conveniently forgets as well. Before you begin to think less of us, let me feel you in on our dinner table routine.

Hey kids, set the table. Lets get things on the table.
"I wanted to do the silverware!" "No, I am suppose to do it!" "I want that napkin!" " I want to sit there!" Some where in all the bickering someone will remember to say, "You get what you get and don't through a fit." Then a chorus of you get what you get and don't throw a fit begins, as well as "Fine, if you are going to give me that, then you get this and don't throw a fit."
Before you think we need pointers on how to manage our brood, we do have assigned chores. However, there are ones who envy other chores and will quickly step in and take over if possible. There have been assigned seating positions as well. Yes, there are character training issues here. However, this post happens to be about praying.

Finally we are all the table. There will often be a quieting, as children start to shovel the food in. At which point, the Mom hesitantly says today, "alright lets pray."
"Heavenly Father..."
"Hey, I want to pray!"

"No, I want to pray!"
"Shhh, Mommy is praying." Right over their heads cause the next thing we hear is:
"I am going to pray for Jacob."
"No, I am going to pray for Jacob."
"NO, me!"
"No, he's my Jacob!"

Both of you can pray. Both of you can pray for Jacob. Jacob can use all the prayers you can say. Nothing derogatory meant by that of course.
At which point, I try to shush and 2 prayers begin. "God, my Jacob, my Brett, my Jacob, my Brett, my daddy, my food, my Jacob, my Brett. AMMMMEEEENNNNN!"
The other one is praying "God, thank you for food, for Jacob, Brett, my Jacob, my Brett, Amen!"
Forks moving.

Mom begins to pray.......

Somewhere in there my heart melts as my 2 year old and 4 year old desire to both pray. However, then I begin to cringe as praying has also become a competition. Neither one seems to understand they both can pray and God loves to hear them both pray. Sometimes I wonder if God is just laughing. He created these two and made them brothers. There could be worse things to fight over. And so, again tomorrow I will say "let's pray", knowing the prayer warriors will begin, a deep breath..... Amen

Some day they will understand the prayer warrior is something quite different.

1 comment:

Cav5Mom said...

I love that! and love N and D!