Friday, November 21, 2008

It's Like Christmas Eve Here!

14 hours and counting.
Praying for no flight delays. A has graciously offered to miss orchestra tomorrow, so we won't be late picking up dad. However, dad will have to collect luggage so I don't think he will have to wait long. Kids are bouncing off the wall excited! Restless and can't sleep. It is different when they get older though. This time my oldest asked, "Doesn't dad get paid extra for being gone?" "Ummm, sometimes."
Her reply, "Well that makes it worth it."
"So when we go to the Great Wolf Lodge can we get spa treatments and massages?"
To which big brother S replies, "That's a waste of money."
"It is not!"
"What if the massage isn't any good? Then it is a waste of money!"
Hmmm, I think he is calculating how many hockey games he might get to go to should we show him special favor.
Me? I am looking forward to sleep. Someone else to get up early with Flutter Nutter. He likes to get up before 6:00 am! I am looking forward to boys sleeping well cause Daddy is home.

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