Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I was never going to tell....

To understand what just happened, I must rewind to last Saturday evening.

The kids were driving me nuts. Someone broke the DVD player. All the clues point to "NOT ME". There was nothing on tv. 3 shaggy boys needed haircuts and at that very moment all appeared healthy. I ordered them all to the car for a mad dash to get haircuts before showers and bed so we could rise early for church.
There was some but...but...but... can I get, .... Any parent knows all those last minute details children have before they could possibly get in the car. However, my children are well trained by the time they reach school age. Mom says get in the car. GET IN THE CAR. So the buts were silenced fairly quickly.
In route I decide if we get done in time we'll go see WALL-E. I so don't want to be alone tonight at home with all of them. ;)
We went to WALLE. Great time by all. We pull out of the parking lot and my ever so very dear 12 yr. asks me, Mom did you take the cookies out of the oven.
Cookies? what are you talking about?
Never made it home so fast.
3 hours later our home stinks, our cookies are a lovely shade of black.
I am saying thank you God for protecting our home.
I am freaked out. One of my worst fears is a house fire and I can't get to my children. They have been taught since wee little how to escape. We go through a quick review. I turn the heater off, open the house and send them running for the covers. As I tuck in N, my 4 yr. old. I tell him if he hears the smoke detector wake brother and climb out the window. He gets a worried look on his face.... Does he get out first or me? Do I have to catch him? It doesn't matter just get out okay. Shall we pray and ask God to protect us tonight? So prayers said and sweethearts tucked in.
Fortunately, nothing else has happened.
Until today.
D needs a nap. N would be on his last life if he were a cat. So D is put down. N is advised to go lie down and rest for an hour. Next thing I know as I sit at the table teaching math to my 9 yr. old there is N in the backyard.
"I'm sorry mom for climbing out the window. I just couldn't sleep, and an hour is soooo long." Mind you it hasn't been 5 minutes yet.
"N, your mommy is so upset right now, the very safest place for you is lying on your bed. Now go."
I walk into the room. D is no where inside. He is outside contemplating his new found freedom in the neighborhood.
My children now have proven they know how to escape in the event of a fire. Now if only I knew how to escape.
Someone tie me up and throw me in the attic till Dad gets home! !


Cav5Mom said...

Looks like someone is going to have to get a security system!!

Twyska said...
