Saturday, March 24, 2012

I never knew they made this kind of kids clothing.....

So we went to the Mulberry Bush Consignment Sale today.
This can be such a fun sale.  I went on Thursday and found some great deals.  Today was 1/2 price day. 
The girls went with me. 
I really wished I had brought my camera.  I forgot that my phone would have worked too.
But in girls' size 3 we found this tag:
size 3
Gap Strip Shorts

To which Fun Girl chokes and pokes me.  Asks me, "What are strip shorts?"
HA!  HA!  I was, also, on the phone chatting with Dara.  Cause we used to do this sale together and I was missing her company.  Vicariously, shopping with her via phone. :) 

"Strip shorts...the kind of shorts that are easy for a 3 year to take off," I tell her.
Badda bing, badda boom.
Several moms in the area are laughing.  Dara is laughing.  She reminded us those were Brylee's favorite kind of shorts a few years back.  They were Little Princess's favorites as well.

Then the bubble burst and we are corrected.  They aren't STRIP shorts, the are stripE shorts.  Hence, the stripes on the shorts.  Bummer, cause I was trying to think of a little girl I knew that would like to have a pair of strip shorts

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