Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pizza Doctor

Our first night in Wisconsin we went to Pizza Doctor.  Not your typical pizza place.  It has been featured on the food network.  Nothing could of prepared me for this place.   Dara tried.  She told me they had Skittle Pizza.  They had Peanut Butter and Jelly Pizza.  Still did not prepare me for our trip.   
I did call ahead and check on the food allergy issue.  They told me there was no way we should let The Man eat there.  I asked and got permission to bring in a small pizza from elsewhere for him.  They provided him a clean plate to eat off and even warmed his pizza up for him in a clean microwave.  All of that was enough to get them a thumbs ups.  I love places that will work around food allergies and make dining a fun family affair.  We did get some looks, but hey that is okay.  We had fun and my boy didn't feel left out. 

Here's his dinner. Well at least half of what is left when I thought to take a picture. 
While he was munching happily on his cheese pizza., the rest of us were being fed more than we could imagine.  This isn't your normal buffet.  As pizza comes out of the oven, the wait staff plays host/hostess like you have never seen.  Each person in the restaurant is invited to sample the new pizza as it comes out of the oven.  Which means before you can finish one slice, they are back with more.  There is a system to survive their hospitality.  I definitely did not catch on to this too quick.  You take a bite or two, if it isn't a favorite, eat no more.  I got the giggles and was sooo full by the time the "dessert" pizzas came around.  I could fathom eating any more and they just kept coming around.  We were trying to pack up and leave and they kept offering us more.  The kids caught on real quick.  One or two bites of the "good for you" pizza.  They had lots of room for finishing off the dessert pizza slices.....
Some kind of chocolaty pizza with sprinkles

 Skittles + marshmallows
1/2 skittle ~ 1/2 Oreo
Reese's Peanut Butter pieces + Peanut Butter + Choc Chips
M and M's + Peanut Butter

This is what was left when we finally were able to slip out.
 The Man ate almost his whole pizza! 
 I don't think he has ever eaten that much pizza before in one sitting.
 Check out the salad in the upper right had corner.
Fun Girl discovered the dessert pizzas and forgot all about her salad.

Once home, I showed Big O Daddy O our trip pictures.  I had only showed him 2 from Pizza Doctor and he started to go into shock.  Carbs, Sugar, Blood Sugar Nightmares were all he could think of while looking at the pictures.  I was laughing over all the choices.  
Spaghetti, Macaroni and Cheese
Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo
When we got to the dessert pizzas he thought I had really lost my mind.  Couldn't believe I actually let the children eat all of it.  
Guess I am cooler than him as a parent.  
Ha Ha 
When I got to this picture of The Man later in the night,
he wasn't surprised. 
"Drop in blood sugar," he said.
I think it was just a really fun day!


Cav5Mom said...

Love the memories especially the last pic!

Beach Momma said...

A fun trip. Ready to repeat it. Wish I could sleep like him.