Friday, September 28, 2012

Campout with the Gorillas!

We have an awesome Kidz Ministry at our church.
I adore how they reach out to the 5th and 6th graders.
Knowing they are capable of much.
Not as big as Middle and High School-ers
But definitely not as little as the younger set.
So what do they do?
They have their own weekly Bible Study through the summer
They do service projects.
Like yard work for home bound members
Gardening for the church
Helping with VBS
It is not all work and serious study.
They have fun. 
Mighty Goofy Fun that can only be had at this age.
We have some awesome leaders.
This time it was a campout at the zoo.
Camping in the Gorilla exhibit.
Not in the enclosure with the animals.
But in the viewing area.
Listening to the animals throughout the night
and the first morning stirrings and rumblings.
Puts a whole new light on waking up at home with brothers and sister.
Entering the ZOo!
Happy and Caffeinated
The next morning, the smile is there just not as big and bright.
William, the whale.
A bigger smile, just a few less sparkles in the eye
She had a great time.
The next day, she had lots to say,
after a good night's rest.

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