Monday, September 24, 2012

Jehovah Jireh My Provider, His Grace is Sufficient for Me

A couple of weeks ago, I took Little Princess for a physical. Perfectly smooth morning it was. We stopped and found an awesome garage sale on our way towards home. Had a couple of chuckles and some fun together. While at the garage sale her nose starts gushing. The lady running the garage sale was sooo gracious. She was quick to grab some kleenex and kept encouraging us to take more. This nose bleed was slowing down none to quickly. Both Little Princess and I were grateful we stopped at the sale because otherwise this would have happened in the car and I was out of kleenexes in the car. AIY! As we would find out, I couldn't even find a restaurant napkin in the suburban. Completely unusual for us. But considering the time of year it is to be expected. Ragweed season and I am always sneezing, sniffling and sometimes the others join in with me.
We take our tissues, and special garage sale finds and continue on our path to home. Our path has another stop at the grocery store.
All was going well, and I told Little Princess to lay down, because we were only going a half mile to the store and we were on the back roads. If she laid down she would be better able to get the bleeding stopped.
We stopped at the light and within seconds, Little Princess is asking if we had been hit. Yep! In spite, of my assurances that all would be okay. We had been rear-ended at the stop light. The other driver, a nurse, is quick to check on us and we cross the street to a parking lot. When she sees Little Princess' bloody tissues she becomes concerned. I reassure her, no worries.
 But the bummer is we are running out of tissues and my nose is starting to act out because I standing outside in the Kansas wind. The police come... they discover the blood and ask if we need an ambulance. NOPE! Everyone is okay. Just a nose bleed. Cars are banged and bruised. Insurance companies will have to be called. Everyone is okay. The bleeding has stopped, so has my sniffling.
Good thing there are no more tissues.  
Once released we make our way to the store. Why do I have to go to the store?
Because between school, life and putting stuff on EBay, I have failed to keep up on my deal shopping for household goods. Thankfully, there was once upon a stockpile. Nothing like what you will see on Extreme Couponing. A stockpile nonetheless. However, when life gets hectic, that pile can dwindle.

I actually found myself needing to crisis shop for dishwasher detergent.
When I say crisis I mean, the dishwasher was full and there was overflow in the sink. This would be a run the dishwasher 3 times day.

If I was truly industrious, I would have searched online, found a recipe and made my own. But life is hectic and busy and well the store is only 2 miles away. The five dollars I would spend was so not worth all the time I would spend trying to find a recipe and make it.

I did think to grab my coupons, because
I vaguely recalled there was a buy 10 things get $5 off sale happening.

Good thing, because I was down to my last bottle of laundry detergent. I scored all of the below for my target prices when keeping up with the deals!
6 bottles of laundry detergent
Pringles...just to be kind to my crew
and of course dishwasher detergent!

But did I remember tissues?  NOPE !

I left the store telling God thank you.
"Thank you for protecting us.  Thank you for the deals. Thank you for providing for me and my family. Thank you for a healthy daughter.  Thank you for no blood in the car.
(This is because, I told Little Princess I was sorry for stopping at the garage sale.  The accident might have been avoided if I had stopped.  She quickly pointed out if we hadn't stopped she would have bled all over the car.  Such an insightful young lady.)
Thank you for such a friendly driver to have hit us.  Thank you for insurance.
Thank you God for your provision.
Thank you for your faithfulness."

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