Monday, September 24, 2012

Counting to 575...

551.  Funds for The Man to take gymnastics
552.  Quiet Moments
553  The energy to continually purge my home.
554.  Gus and his ever constant alertness to me.
555.  Car accidents where no one is hurt.
556.  Car Insurance
557.  Being able to file claims online and be more available to children.
558.  Deals at the grocery store
559.  Coupons
560.  Quadruple fuel points
561.  Understanding doctors
562. A cousin who teaches Bal-A-Vis-X to my children
563.  Children who love to visit their grandpa
564.  Fridays my hubby doesn't have to work outside the home
565.  Rain!! Blessed Rain.  It washes the ragweed out of the air.
566.  Zoo days with all 5 children.  Laughter and joy shared as a group.
567.  Swimming laps with Little Princess
568.  Fun Girl driving me home when my eyes are swollen and watery from allergies
569.  Pictures of my sister's family all together on facebook. (Wonderful tool to staying in touch)
570.  A God fearing church.
571.  Cool Fall days and all they inspire.
572.  Sprained foot and not a broken foot
573.  A family that enjoys being active
574.  Progress being made in the orthodotics of Hockey Player
575.  Listening to children play the Piano

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