Thursday, October 11, 2012

Counting to 700......

Counting to 700...
676.  Rain and the cooler temperatures it brings....changes of seasons.
677.  Quiet of the hour
678.  Sunrises exploding in His glory

679. Early morning exuberance
680. The Man's joyful heart
681. Tears because (he) might not get to say his verses
682. A warrior who is fighting pneumonia and fatigue but doesn't stop his memory work and comes to Awana only to say his verses
683. Driving home and always seeing the flag waving at us. 

684.  Late bloomers
685.  Piano Recitals and Piano Teachers who love to teach!
686.  Cool fall weather
687.  Central heat
688.  Time with just my girls
689.  Inner and Physical Strength of my Little Princess
690.  Pumpkin Patches
691.  Playing with my children
692.  Playing with my mom friends
693.  Giggling uncontrollably
694.  The sense of abandonment of being out in the country
695.  Big wide open spaces for Dad's Bud
696.  Allergies that stay quiet while I play
697. Coming home to laundry folded and put away
698.  When hubby takes the day off to play
699.  Watching my children snuggle their dad
700.  Smiles on caregivers faces as they "play" with my Granny.

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