Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Hockey Player

Hockey Player recently celebrated his 13th birthday!
Took 2 weeks for him to let us know what he wanted to do to celebrate.
Actually, we had to give him a deadline.
He is our thinker.
He is strong.
He is quiet.
He is witty.
He is patient beyond belief and puts this momma to shame.
He loves God's word.
He is stickler for doing what is right.
He is intelligent.
He likes school and doesn't have to be told twice to get it done.
Actually, he usually starts before I have blood flowing in me in the morning.
He loves to cook.
He has been in the kitchen since he could get around.
He is an all around good kid.
He finally told us he wanted to go to Laser Quest for his birthday.
Then we waited days for the guest list.
Another deadline.... We didn't give him a number count, that would have
required much more though on his part.
His family birthday was delayed...the family was out of town.
So we had a quiet celebration.
Dinner out.  His choice Outback.
Did I mention he loves food!
Dad and I quietly give him his gift.
A nice card and cash.
Cause everything on his list of ideas was over the top expensive.
So we contributed to his saving up money.
Then he went to youth group and became the walking wounded.
We had to delay the Laser Quest birthday per Doctor's orders.
Two weeks later, the cast is off. 
He finally celebrates with his friends.
Two days later we end up at Grandpa's for cake and ice cream.
Cake at Grandpa's
Lemon with Lemon icing
His annual favorite.
Cause food is important when you are 13.
Pizza and Pop!
Carrot Cake cupcakes with Cream Cheese frosting
Another favorite!

Reading the cards
Cause that is what you do as a guy.
Give a card and moola
Better than shopping.

The guys hanging out and Little Princess holding her own.

With Malachi in the party room, hanging out and being,
well, quiet. 


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