Monday, November 10, 2008

When Dad Escapes the Hurricane Named Beach Gardens

So Dad doesn't travel a whole bunch anymore. He loves his brood and the craziness. But he does know that it is best to not elaborate too much about the restaurant meals, lack of dishes and any entertainment he gets to experience which is not provided courtesy of his children.

So on Sunday at 4:45 AM, he woke me to drip medicine in my eyes and to say Good-Bye. 3 hours later the children are being cheerful ! ? !

By early afternoon I have sent them outdoors to play. My 12 yr. old is "too old" to play. She asks to take pictures. She did a beautiful job. She even caught these two and their personalities.

My 9 yr. old demonstrates his unique monkey abilities to his brother. I wonder if he also gave instruction on how not to break any bones and other safety related important information. I figure he probably told him, to just make sure Mom doesn't catch him.

When all were thoroughly refreshed from being outside, the sick Mom was joined in her room. A whole other post to come!

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